SONG PLAYING IS "The Circle of Life" From DISNEY'S Lion King
Welcome to Carrie's DOGGlink 

About my DOGGZ:

My name is Carrie Ann Pryor and I have been lucky enough to be owned by dogs as far back as I can remember. I am a little bit sentimental (shh tell NO ONE), a little bit shy (you will NEVER know...), and a little bit agressive. I enjoy showing my dogs in Conformation and Obedience—assuming I have dogs not retired, which unfortunately (for me, not them) mine are. I also enjoy herding my dogs. Currently, I share my life with 5 dogs (1 dog belongs to my mother, but she might as well be mine) and I co-own several more. The breed I know best is the Rottweiler, and I have three of these nuts living with me full time. All of my dogs are "house-dogs", loving and gentle couch potatoes, and incredibly spoiled. Although my dogs have shown, you won't see any "stacked" dogs here! They are at home here and they don't have to work for me, especially now that they have attained their retirement. I will occasionally still show my youngest, Nikki, but lately she has been taxing even me. Suffice it to say, that on the last obedience show she attended with me proudly in tow, she managed NOT ONLY to break her down-stay, but shimmy out of the ring, and URINATE on another dog's head. The other dog, to add insult to injury, never broke HIS stay. I am still traumatized over this one, so I am taking a much needed break from wrestling her.

I have been working with (worked over by?) the Rottweiler breed for more than 21 years. I have been through many "interesting situations" with this wonderful breed and perhaps if you are interested in the Rottweiler you can email me with questions. Over the years and through Rescue efforts I have seen more than 78 rotties come through my home and my life (to include my own dogs). I have held and helped with many obedience classes both for the average pet owners that just want some control, and for the aspiring "newbie" dog competitor. I love working with the "newbies" because these are the fresh minds that inspire me!

Finally, although I am surprised at how many fun things I have done and enjoyed with my dogs, I am still learning and I think I always will be. Maybe you can share a hint with me too?


Mason (up front)
Nikki (in back)

"DID NOT it..."

Ms. Nikki
"I am just too cute."

My 14 year old - Sadie
"When I hatch I will be a Rottweiler."

About my other critters:

I am not all about doggz, although you may never know it by how ROTTEN mine are. I also have several guinea pigs, and run a CAVIARY out of my home. Guinea pigs are the absolute cuddliest, sweetest, and funest critters to have. Once I was hooked on them, I had no idea how I did without. You are welcome to go and visit my other site about the cavies. I just found out you can show them, and I am working hard on the guinea pig standard to get up to speed. I know that THEY would never leave a ring and pee on another pig's head (hint hint Nikki).

Then there are my two RATZ

Midnight my broken colors black female


and Ankhasha my cream
hooded roan


We also have a BUNNY by the name of PABLO. He is a rescue who was abandoned in a veterinary clinic by owners that were not willing to pay his medical costs. He was scheduled to go see the big "bunny farm in the sky", but I decided that a six-month old baby healthy bunny deserved another chance at life. Sue me. I will post his pic soon, since he will probably go up for adoption.

I also have rescued an IGUANA—my little dragon.

Macey my dragon-girl

A fascinating creature, yet she has taught me that lizards should not be kept in captivity. The best intentions can never provide for a lizard as mother nature does. Meanwhile, Macey the ig has as good a life as I can buy for her, if it is the last thing I do.

Lastly, but not leastly, I enjoy many fish. I have seven tanks, and many bowl fish. There is something very satisfying about coming home and enjoying a well-kept natural (natural, as in real plants, driftwood, river gravel and river stones) tank, and the soothing sounds of water. When I see my critters thrive, I feel as if I have done something good.

All in all, the best thing (or perhaps the worst) is that the above is clearly indicative that I am a charter member of the "Bleeding Hearts of American Society".

Gotta Stray? Send them my way.

THANK YOU for taking the time with me...

This is me - caught by a
"camera toting" bandit
in a moment when I was not

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This page last updated on 08/04/99
Copyright © 1997
Carrie Ann Pryor
Mailbox © provided by Peggy Rose